SlimDrivers and DriverUpdate
give you an easy-to-read overview of all your devices, detecting any
unknown components within seconds. |
SlimDrivers and DriverUpdate optimize your
graphics card interface, cutting down on problems and giving you the
most out of your game-play. |
SlimDrivers and DriverUpdate lower the likelihood of errors dramatically by preventing hardware conflict. |
SlimDrivers and DriverUpdate don’t make you
wait. The more they’re used, the faster they get, creating accurate and
up-to-the minute overviews of your system for faster responses. |
SlimDrivers and DriverUpdate remove unneeded or obsolete driver versions to save you disk space and prevent data conflict. |
SlimDrivers and DriverUpdate take the
mystery out of your system layout, providing you an elegant and
intuitive readout of your whole driver profile. |
SlimDrivers and DriverUpdate protects your
system with one-click Backup and Restore features. They safeguard your
data by making sure that you can always recover a previous driver or
setting. |